Saturday, June 30, 2007


hej hej!
it's currently 11pm and we just had chocolate fondue! haha. 'm havin a great summer, going awesome places with awesome company. it's, well, awesome for lack of a better word. lol :) haven't really been doing alot the past few days. actually, it has been a pretty relaxing holiday for me. it's like a chalet of sorts. i think 'm actually only gonna have to "tough it out" when i leave for london this friday. but 'm lookin forward to it though :)

anyway, so we've just been exploring parks, museums and shops in malmo, window shopping, drinking coffee and people watching, going to the beach to run, to watch indie bands play, to watch the sun set at 10pm, going to the skatepark. haha just stuff like that.
then we went to club during the weekend. at this place called chocolate factory. was a beach party in a club. sand, beach chairs, lifeguards as bartenders. so that was pretty cool. drank, danced and uhm, had fun. :) haha :)
but you know, the fact that it already happened before once, i should know better by now that very often, opportunities don't come by twice. so you've got to grab hold of it the first time round. it's like, grow some balls, seriously. haha. but still, it was fun.

so this is the crazy amazing boy who skates like a pro. and he's small. haha. small and wears skinny jeans. too cute and just awesome.

this is us at western harbour. crazy boys jumping off the bridge. it's like, 15deg out and we're wrapped up in our sweaters and they're jumping into the water half-naked :) and that's one of the houses along the harbour. a house with a sea-view. that's what 'm gonna live in someday. haha

alright and this is the malmo library. there's this picture up there, it shows the old library being connected to the new library by a bridge. and the inside is pretty neat. it's like little boxes piled up onto one another.

these are the soccer dudes who stopped so we could take a picture of them. one of them was called tiny me. haha.

this is us visiting the original ikea. haha. was fun. and the bed that rach is lying on, i love that bed. i wanna get it! i want it!! haha.

SUBWAY, DUDE!!! SUBWAY!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT, SERIOUSLY. :) and we have like, 4 subways in our vicinity. one of them looks really cool too, with twisty stairs. :)

apoteket is their pharmacy. ain't that neat. haha. we walked past and were like, huh. this is a pharmacy? haha.

and i put this picture up because... uh, that's alot of bikes. swedish people pretty much cycle everywhere they go. they have one side of the road reserved for them, one side of the path and they even have their own traffic lights. haha.

heh okay maine has tempted me to go out once again so i gotta stop. i know this update's alot more brief and less interesting. lol. sorry. but will be back with more and pictures from our trip to lund, which is sweden's very own university town, like britain's oxford :)


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