Sunday, October 29, 2006


a hat-trick.
what a splendid way to mark your 21st, mr wayne rooney (:

met up with old friends earlier this week. it was fun (: lots of laughter and it was comforting to know how some friends don't change.
especially after a week of many many *indignant gasps* "she said that?!" haha.

mm.. so.

've not been feeling very people friendly these past few weeks. haha. people gettin on my nerves far too easily. i admit.. that most people think i'm a really nice girl. and most of the time, if it's within my ability to do something for you, i would.
but i get extremely annoyed when you start to take advantage of my niceness tho. i mean, if you are able to get through college and earn yourself a place in the uni, your social etiquette should be fairly good and you should have the common grace and courtesy that uncivilised people lack. i think every human being should have enough common sense to know your own limits. don't keep taking and taking. seriously, stop for a moment and don't be such a fucking "think for yourselfer".
and i'm really not the sort to go after people and say,(in ry's words) hey! i helped you that one time.. remember.. that one time not so long ago. and...... well, you havent said thankyou yet.
LOL. yea not that sort. cause i really don't give a flyin fuck, seriously. but you know, after constantly taking advantage so many times without me muttering a single curse word (in your face at least.), you could at least have the decency to not act as though you're the one who's doin me a favor? i mean.. hello?! what's this! for cryin out loud. were you dropped on your head multiple times as a baby?!
and also, people need to stop blaming the world for the sorry state of that pathetic excuse they call a life.

you smile at me so sweetly. talk to me so nicely. but then i found out how sweetly vicious your smiles were. how your nice words had their razor sharp edges, meant to hurt. i've never met someone like you.
the bitter aftertaste of your friendship. i doubt i'd ever forget (:

i've not been studying hard enough either. i just might fail my first semester. haha.

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